The Riddoch Leaders program X Generation Thrive was recently launched at Koonara Coonawarra Wines.
The Riddoch Business and Community Association (RBCA) has partnered with personal leadership program Youth Opportunities and Generation Thrive to deliver the Riddoch Leaders program for people aged 15 to 35.
Riddoch Business and Community Association secretary Simone Kain said the launch night was well-attended and had a nice vibe.
“It’s great to get the community together for this exciting and important initiative,” Ms Kain said.
“It’s imperative that we start developing our future business and community leaders.”
Ms Kain said a cross-section of people within the community attended and Generation Thrive and Youth Opportunities general manager Courtney Grigg spoke on the evening.
“It was an inspiring night, Courtney is great to listen to and she has inspiring stories and statistics around the benefit of the program,” she said.
Statistics have shown it now takes three and a half more years for young people to settle into a new workplace and to develop the emotional and social skills required for workplace success than it did 30 years ago.
Ms Kain said the Riddoch Leaders program focused on developing social and emotional intelligence and strived to make people as happy as possible to succeed in their personal and professional lives.
“If you’re happy in work generally you’re happy in your personal life and if you’re happy in your personal life then a lot of the time that flows through to your work life as well,” she said.
The program is self-paced and delivered online over a 12 week period with group and individual mentoring sessions included.
“The program costs $1250 to participate, we’d love businesses with apprentices or trainees to consider putting their young employees through it, the program is open to any interested young people up to the age of 35,” Ms Kain said.
Ms Kain said they were offering two scholarships on behalf of the RBCA and local Boandik artist Matthew Brookes also donated
an artwork for auction, with funds going towards further student placements.
Ms Kain said they were currently accepting expressions of interest for program applications on the website and expressions close on August 8 with the program beginning in September.