Youngster selected for national championship

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Youngster selected for national championship

The stars are shining brighter than ever for a future star in the making for former Mount Gambier resident Freddie Muller in the sport of soccer.

For Muller, the path of success has been at his fingertips for a while and he has now grabbed it with both hands after being selected to play in the National Youth Championship in Coffs Harbor.

He spent three days playing against some of the country’s best junior talent and catching the eye of national scouts.

“There has been a lot of scouts here looking at the players to fill the Joey squad,” Muller said.

“That is the National Youth team and they have been out here going through things and trying to implement things into our game.

“I have also learnt that it is not about yourself, you have to play as a team to win.”

Muller played most of his junior years in Mount Gambier moving to Adelaide.

“I played at Gambier Centrals Soccer Club and played there pretty much of my junior life,” he said.

“I left there at around the age of 11 or 12 because our team was too good and we did not lose a game for around four years and (knew) if I wanted to develop as a player, I needed to know what losing felt like.

“So, I made the move to International in 2019 and played there for half a year and made the move to Adelaide.”

In Adelaide Muller found a new club before rounding out the last half of the season.

“I played for Cumberland United in that last half and then at the end of the season I made the move over to Metro Stars where we made it to the cup final, but unfortunately we lost,” Muller said.

“The previous season I was at Birkalla Under 15s playing in a year level up and we did not do well that year, so I decided to stay because it was good for my development.

‘This year I played Under 16s for Birkalla where I was meant to play in the Under 15s and we finished mid-table, we played alright and toward the end I got the call up for the national team.”

After being selected for the state team, the vigorous schedules started to move forward for Muller.

“I spent nine weeks training with the team three times a week and then we flew to Coffs Harbor for the tournament.”

While the team did not have the best tournament, Muller finished as the top goal scorer for his side.

“The competition over here is just unbelievable,” he said.

“You go from playing in Mount Gambier, which is a good league, to playing over here against the best teams, the best players in the country is a big step.

“I think from where our team comes from, being from different clubs who have come together, we have done all right.”

Now Muller has packed his bags to travel to the United Kingdom where he will enjoy a break with family before setting off to Italy to play in Milan as part of a youth tournament.

“It is always a good opportunity to showcase your skills to scouts and good coaches and you never know where it might get you,” Muller said.

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