Park ranger state election promise met

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Park ranger state election promise met

The first five Aboriginal park rangers promised as part of a $5m State Government election commitment have started working with the National Parks and Wildlife Service.

The new rangers will be responsible for the maintenance and presentation of park facilities and assets across the Fleurieu Peninsula, Kangaroo Island, Outback, Far West and Lower Limestone Coast districts.

This includes participating in fire and emergency responses, and working with key partners, including park neighbours, conservation partners, volunteers and Aboriginal communities.

A total of 15 new Aboriginal rangers will be employed as part of a $5m initiative aimed at increasing Aboriginal management of the state’s natural environment.

Of the 143 rangers currently employed by the NPWS, 30 are Aboriginal with this figure to rise to 40 in the next two years.

Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Minister Kyam Maher said the State Government wanted Aboriginal people and culture at the forefront of the parks network, ensuring their stories are an integral part of visitor experiences.

“This includes increasing the number of co-managed parks, better protecting Aboriginal heritage and cultural sites, and ensuring Aboriginal people have a voice on the future of the River Murray,” he said.

“In 2004, Labor introduced the co-managed parks system and transferred the Mamungari Conservation Park back to Aboriginal people and the Malinauskas government is committed to building on this work.”

“Aboriginal people bring a deep knowledge and understanding of our natural environment which has been developed over tens of thousands of years.

“These new rangers will bring an Aboriginal perspective to the management of country and that is good thing for country and for tourist experiences.”

NPWS acting Director Regional Operations Craig Nixon said the employment of 15 new Aboriginal rangers would mean more than 25% of NPWS rangers were Aboriginal.

“Our recruitment process has relied on regional relationships with senior community Traditional Owners to identify locally based community members with an interest and aptitude for a ranger’s role,” he said.

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