Nesting shorebirds at risk along coastline

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Nesting shorebirds at risk along coastline

Who are you sharing the beach with this summer?

As we share our coastal landscape with shorebirds this summer we can all play our part in looking after chicks to give them the best chance of survival.

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board is providing timely reminders this summer across the Limestone Coast for beach goers to remember they are sharing our precious coastline with shorebirds which might be nesting along our beaches.

Keep an eye out for our large road signs reminding passersby ‘shorebirds share this beach’.

Our Coorong | Our Coast project coordinator Robbie Andrew said those intending on driving on Limestone Coast beaches should be aware.

“It is important beachgoers keep an eye out for information signage or fenced off areas that alert them to the presence of beach nesting shorebirds,” he said.

“Keeping our distance from any birds we see on the beach gives them a better chance of survival.”

Beach nesting shorebirds lay their eggs in the soft sand, sometimes even using tyre tracks to nest.

Both eggs and chicks are easily camouflaged in the sand making them highly vulnerable to disturbance by vehicles, beachgoers and dogs.

There are a few things we can do to support shorebirds during these summer months when visiting the beaches:

Keeping your dog on a leash at all times.

Paying attention to shorebird information signs.

Keeping away from temporary fenced off areas on the beach that protect nests and chicks.

Moving away quietly if you spot shorebirds on the beach.

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