Abortion law change in spotlight

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Abortion law change in spotlight

Mount Gambier-based Liberal frontbench MLC Ben Hood is looking to change the law relating to abortions.

He is scheduled to introduce a Private Members Bill to the Legislative Council this week.

Laws relating to abortions were revised only three years ago but Mr Hood said the legislation is flawed.

“My Private Members Bill raises an important but challenging question: when does a child’s right to life begin to matter?” Mr Hood said.

“The Bill ensures that after 28 weeks – the third trimester – the baby is delivered alive rather than intentionally ended before birth.

“Even at this stage, a mother must still go through labour.

“The Bill requires the child be delivered alive instead of being subjected to a painful and violent injection of potassium chloride to stop its heart.

“It’s crucial that we strike a balance between choice and responsibility.

“If a child can survive outside the womb, they should be given that chance.

“This bill is about protecting the right to life for viable babies at or beyond 28 weeks (seven months of pregnancy).”

Opposition Leader Vince Tarzia said Liberal MLCs would be granted a conscience vote when it came to the Upper House.

The proposed Bill has been strongly opposed by former Federal Liberal MP Trish Worth and Greens MLC Tammy Franks.

Labor Premier Peptper Malinauskas said he could see no reason to change the current abortion laws.

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