Ambos launch recruitment drive

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Ambos launch recruitment drive

SA Ambulance Service (SAAS) has launched its volunteer recruitment campaign “Answer the Call” and is looking for some more volunteers in the Keith, Bordertown, Kingston, Robe and Penola areas.

Around 1200 SAAS volunteers already provide professional ambulance services to South Australians in 77 locations.

This year the campaign will stretch from Hawker in the Flinders Ranges to Penola on the Limestone Coast.

Operations Manager Bryan Petersen said the campaign is a great opportunity for locals from the Limestone Coast who would like to do more for themselves and their community by signing up with SAAS.

“Its great to see the campaign in our local area, our volunteers are excited to meet new recruits and support them through their training,” he said.

To help spruik the message of volunteering in these areas SAAS has nominated two of its volunteers, Jo Hough and Yvette Cooke to act as campaign ambassadors.

“Jo and Yvette will provide another level of personal connection to people thinking about volunteering with us,” Mr Petersen said.

“SAAS volunteers are called on during times of need and have excellent standing in regional communities.

“By joining SAAS, volunteers get free qualifications, Ambulance Cover and are reimbursed for travel and childcare.”

To find out more go to or call 1300 175 584 (during business hours).

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