Anglers get onto good catches

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Anglers get onto good catches

Adecent weekend of weather was well enjoyed by fishos right along the Limestone Coast.

From boaties going offshore to surf fishos, guys heading inland or up the river, we had plenty on offer over the weekend and there was some nice fish caught.

The offshore anglers made the most of the light winds on Saturday morning and headed out to try their luck.

I have seen some excellent catches of flathead, nannygai and terakhi out there over the weekend, and in depths anywhere from 80mt through to 120mt+.

Shark are still on the chew out there too, some nice gummy and school shark have been landed, some of the better fish up over the 20kg mark, which are very serious fish.

The Port MacDonnell Offshore Angling Club held their snapper comp over the weekend and it was great to hear quite a few club members got involved.

The event winner this time was Noel Doody in the seniors, and the juniors was won by Harrison and Evie Cram.

All fish came on Saturday, with the wind that whipped up Sunday morning, all the comp anglers chose to have a day off.

The surf fishing this past weekend has been good, plenty of snapper reports have filtered through, along with a few gummy shark here and there.

There’s been reports from far and wide this week, anglers who do not mind a short walk have found success at Nobles Rocks and Discovery Beach, even right alongside the river mouth.

Back on this side of the border, Piccaninnie, Browns Bay, Nene Valley and the beaches in Canunda have been very productive areas, and we’re seeing good numbers of both snapper and sharks.

A few big Aussie salmon have been caught this week though the afore mentioned areas, which are great for both fresh baits, or cleaned up and on the plate.

The Kingston SE surf fishing competition is on this weekend, and as I type, the weather looks like it’ll be warm, sunny and definitely fishable with the current forecast winds only peaking at 15knots.

There’ll be a 1.1mt tide overnight, so make sure you’re up nice and high and you’ll be fine.

This year is the 46th competition, which is a credit to Lyle and the past and present crew who work tirelessly to make sure it all runs well and smoothly each year.

The whiting fishing over the past couple of weeks has been excellent.

We’re seeing both good numbers and good size fish being caught right around the South East.

Anglers have been having a crack locally with the new Vexed Fishing whiting rigs and starting to see some good results.

They’re a new style of rig using either a long shank or mitsu circle hook, and it’s up to you whether you bait it up or not, but I have seen good reports from both camps.

The reports have been widespread this week, but areas such as the Port Mac Breakwater, Cape Douglas, Nene Valley, Beachport and Cape Jaffa have all been fairly reliable.

Gar numbers are still impressive this week, and the average size has been quite good too.

Our go-to areas in Livngstons and Cape Douglas are fishing well, but the fish definitely are not limited to those areas.

As I have mentioned in earlier reports, if you find a protected bay with good seagrass beds, you’re already half way there.

Get a bit of burley going and you never know what’ll turn up.

The calm seas and light winds have allowed anglers to get into the reef and chase sweep over the last week or so.

Pound for pound they put in hard and are also very nice on the plate.

Most often you’ll find them in hard on the reef, which is why we need the better weather to be able to get in there.

The Glenelg River has seen plenty of traffic over the last couple of weeks, but the fishing is still excellent.

The better catches have come in the evenings once the river settles, and there’s been no shortage of good fish.

Bream and perch numbers are still excellent this week, some of the better catches I have seen have come from up the river around the Caves and Hutchessons area.

Baits of choice have been prawn, crab and scrubbies, or lure guys have done well on rapala Crush City grubs, and gulp nemesis.

Mulloway news is a bit light, but we’re still seeing the odd smaller fish, along with a legal one here and there, but they’re very spread out.

This weekend’s forecast looks pretty fishable for most, and it’ll be nice to see some more warm weather.

Good luck to all entrants of the Kingston Surf Fishing Competition, we’ll have a full run down of the winners next week.

Until next week, safe fishing!

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