Antisemitic outrage

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Antisemitic outrage

Member for Barker Tony Pasin has expressed his outrage at an example of antisemitic behaviour at a beach in the Lower South East.

Over the Christmas break, a constituent sent him photo of an antisemitic message scratched into the sand.

The SE Voice has chosen not to state the message or location.

“I was mortified and disgusted by the message,” Mr Pasin said.

“There is no place for antisemitism in Australia and I was shocked that such a vile message had been left in the sand at a time when we pause to reflect on Jesus’ message of peace and goodwill.

“That anyone thinks this is okay highlights for me the need for stronger leadership to address rising antisemitism.

“Sadly, the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has failed to confront this growing issue head-on and has left many in the community feeling vulnerable.

“Cynical acts of hollow symbolism, like sending the Attorney General Mark Dreyfuss to Israel, are cold comfort for those in the community targeted by acts like to one we saw this Christmas.

“The Coalition remains committed to restoring clarity and leadership in this space, ensuring that acts of antisemitism are not just condemned but met with real action.

“Let’s stand together to uphold respect, unity, and the shared values that bind us as Australians.”

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