Around the markets

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Around the markets


Numbers increased as agents yarded 2323 head of liveweight and open auction cattle.

These sold to the usual field of trade and processor buyers along with feeder and restocker activity.

Quality was generally good across the categories however with some big numbers coming forward across the markets this week rates were cheaper with some large falls being witnessed.

Vealer steers sold to the trade from 310c to 385c with similar heifers returning from 284c to 370c/kg.

Feeders sought steers from 280c to 350c and heifers from 295c to 305c as restocker orders took both sexes home from 305c to 354c/kg.

Yearling steers sold from 335c to 350c to the trade as similar heifers made from 263c to 325c/kg.

Feeders operated here from 335c to 345c on steers and from 263c to 342c on heifers as restockers sought both sexes from 300c to 331c/kg.

Grown steers and bullocks lost up to 25c as they sold from 310c to 380c to the trade as feeders were active from 302c to 378c/kg.

Grown heifers saw trade support from 288c to 345c with feeders active from 302c to 328c as manufacturing steers returned from 234c to 308c/kg.

Heavy cows suffered a fall of 20c to 30c as they sold from 260c to 312c as lighter lots made from 210c to 275c/kg.

There was feeder activity from 221c to 290c and restockers purchased from 255c to 271c as bulls ranged from 240c to 290c/kg.


Numbers climbed following the strong sale of the week before as agents yarded 2069 head of liveweight and open auction cattle.

These sold to the usual field of trade and processor buyers along with feeder and restocker activity.

Quality was generally good with some cattle being helped along with some supplementary feed as pricing was mostly firm to a little easier except for the cows which were 20c to 30c/kg cheaper than the week before.

Vealer steers sold from 320c to 356c to the trade with similar heifers making from 316c to 328c, also to the trade as feeders operated on steers from 328c to 353c/kg.

Yearling steers attracted feeders from 288c to 360c with restockers active to 320c/kg.

Yearling heifers received trade support from 262c to 345c, feeders operated from 322c to 360c with restockers active to 266c/kg.

Grown steers and bullocks were of great weights and conditioning to sell from 300c to 383c to the trade with feeder activity from 340c to 385c/kg.

Grown heifers sold from 263c to 365c to the trade and from 262c to 370c to feeders as manufacturing steers ranged from 210c to 230c/kg.

Heavy cows returned from 255c to 315c as lighter lots to the trade sold from 198c to 278c with some feeder interest to 248c/kg.

Bulls mostly sold from 220c to 290c with one sale at 320c/kg.


Numbers eased as agents offered 2192 lambs and 50 sheep to total a combined 2242 head overall.

These sold to the usual field of trade buyers with a small number of active restocker orders.

Quality was mixed with a range of both shorn and woolly lambs on offer as the market sold to cheaper rates of $5 to $15/head with most sales ranging from 740c to 800c/kg cwt.

Light lambs sold from $87 to $134 with the light trade lots making from $145 to $155/

Restockers operated from $89 to $148/head.

Tradeweight lambs sold from $165 to $181 as heavy pens made from $193 to $210 with the few extra heavy lots returning from $224 to $230/head.

Hoggets sold from $85 to $130 with ewes ranging from $55 to $90 as rams reached up to $12/head.


Numbers fell away as agents yarded 6872 lambs and 1333 sheep to total a combined 8205 head overall.

These sold to the usual trade and processor buyers along with a large number of active restocker orders.

Quality was mixed with something to suit any order as the lighter pens received strong turn out support as the heavier trade lots eased in price by $6 to $12/head with a range of 760c to 820c/kg for the best pens.

Light lambs sold from $78 to $127 as the light trade pens ranged from $140 to $162/head.

Restockers sought lighter lots from $41 to $100 and heavier pens from $126 to $181/head.

Tradeweight lots sold from $163 to $186 as heavy lambs returned from $193 to $208 with the extra heavy lots selling from mostly $205 to $226 with a top of $267/head for a single pen.

Hoggets sold from $58 to $126 as wethers returned from $76 to $224/head.

Lighter ewes ranged from $56 to $85 with heavier pens making from mostly $95 to $142 with a single pen returning $172 as rams sold from $10 to $20/head.

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