Around The World

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Around The World

The Tenison Woods College Junior School Performing Arts program recently had the privilege of taking their audience on a ‘trip around the world’, showcasing the remarkable talents of students from Years 2 to 6.

The night was filled with vibrant performances that highlighted the creativity and dedication of the young artists.

The event featured a variety of acts, including Spark Choir, Ignite Choir, and Blaze Choir, students from the Year 5 band program, Year 6 band and the energetic Storm Drum Corps.

There were also delightful performances by Year 3 dancers, 4D’s captivating demonstration of choral speaking, engaging drama pieces by Year 6 Flames, solo performances on piano by Filumena Ochudzawa and James Williamson and dramatic monologues by Tyelan Dennis, Luke Olivier and Taya Creek.

The performance also featured guest artists from Tenison Woods College Showband, including talented Middle and Senior students. Their performances added an extra layer of excitement to the event, showcasing the strong collaborative spirit and diverse talents within the school community.

This incredible event featured nearly 300 students and could not have been realised without the support of many dedicated individuals. The event was very well received by the audience, and students were very proud of their achievements.

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