Australia Day honour awarded

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Australia Day honour awarded

Millicent resident David Botting has made an invaluable contribution to his adopted home town for almost six decades and has been awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM).

The awards across the nation were announced on Sunday.

His citation states his OAM in the General Division was awarded for service to Agriculture and the community of Millicent through a range of roles.

“I was surprised to hear of the award and am very honoured to accept it,” Mr Botting said.

Originally from New Zealand, Mr Botting came to the region in 1967 to work as a Farm Adviser with the Millicent and District Farm Advisory Service.

Joining him was his wife Wendy and their three sons, Michael, Jeff and Bruce.

Their daughter Sue was subsequently born at Millicent and District Hospital.

Mr Botting had earlier graduated from the Lincoln Agriculture College with a Bachelor of Agricultural Science degree and was subsequently employed by the College in its Farm Management Department as an adviser and part time lecturer.

Before coming to Australia Mr Botting had been employed as an adviser to the Ellesmere Farm Advisory Club in Canterbury.

Between 1971 and 1982, he managed the Woakwine Pastoral Company at Thornlea which had a staff of up to 25.

Mr Botting then returned to Farm Management Consultancy and remained in this role until retirement.

His qualifications and wide experience meant he was regularly sought to be an expert witness on matters relating to losses on farms caused by bushfires.

Assessments of losses required his extensive knowledge of buildings, fencing, plant and equipment.

Successive State Governments appointed him to numerous boards in such spheres as water resources management, Struan Research Station, Lake Bonney Committee and the Dairy Effluent Guidelines Committee.

While his children were growing up, Mr Botting served on kindergarten and school committees in Millicent.

He joined the Apex Club the year he arrived in Millicent and remained with this service club until 1975.

His leadership skills led him to be club president and he subsequently chaired other community organisations in Millicent including the Millicent Branch of St John’s Ambulance Service, the National Trust and the Hospital Board.

The St John’s Ambulance Service Board recognised his 12 years of service with life membership.

The high points of his nine years on the Millicent Hospital Board were the establishment of the Banksia House day care centre and the first 30-bed stage of the Sheoak Lodge aged care facility attached to the hospital.

Mr Botting said he was pleased to see the Millicent National Trust Museum expand its horse-drawn vehicle collection to arguably become the best in Australasia.

“I was encouraged in these voluntary activities by the late Dr David Harris,” Mr Botting said.

Retirement in 2007 freed up time for Mr Botting to again play sport.

Prior to crossing the Tasman Sea, Mr Botting had played rugby in his youth and enjoyed hiking, mountaineering and deer stalking.

At the age of 70, Mr Botting became an enthusiastic bowler and this only ceased about a year ago due to mobility issues.

The Millicent Bowling Club appointed him as a committee member and then president for two years during which time he oversaw the installation of solar panels.

The Bottings have leased out their small farm on the outskirts of Millicent and happily look back on their busy and productive lives.

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