Bandits come in hot after Christmas

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Bandits come in hot after Christmas

Millicent Bandits 8 defeated Concordes United 5

Bandits leapt out of the gates fresh from the Christmas break scoring seven in the first innings against Concordes United in round 9 of the Mount Gambier Softball League.

Di Horbury led off with a walk, Mackenzie Millard drilled a single, before Deb Hicks scored one by putting the ball to Aimee Brooks at left, who most certainly was the ball magnet of the day.

Bandits’ pitcher Montana Millard stepped up and launched a triple to right, then was scored by a Chrystal Lock single to, surprise surprise – Brooks.

Emilee Mitchell got in on her team’s action, continuing to have fear-inducing swings, zinging a double to the much improved Harmony Kennett at right.

Emma Williams patiently walked, followed by a Horbury single to left and a Macca double to Brooks – again!

If United were rattled, they certainly did not show it.

Sarah Thomson had a patient lead off at bat, singling to right then legging it to third on the spin that deceived Williams on the bounce.

Brooks scored Thomson and Julie Beck who had walked, then Dana Jones dispatched a strike for a double to left.

Bec White forced an error that scored a run with the Bandits field wary of D Jones’ speed at third.

United put three on the board before putting Bandits back in to hit.

Bandits good egg Caroline Bradshaw singled to, wait for it – Brooks and was scored on a Lock infield single.

United knuckled down with D Jones in the action of a couple of the outs.

Montana Millard pitched with accuracy and put pressure on United’s bats with four up, three down and Hicks was safe as houses with two 5-3s, putting Bandits back in to hit.

Horbury then had a lead off at bat for the ages before singling to someone at left called Brooks.

Macca singled to Codie Jackway at centre who was running all over the diamond limiting any sneaky extra Bandits’ bases.

Billie Jones was in to pitch and she got the outs needed with help from her field.

She was imperative to her team’s chances in the bottom half of the last innings with a two RBI double scoring Beck’s relative (Brooks, again!) who had singled for her second hit of the day.

White was also scored on B Jones’ hit.

It was not to be for United with the game called at 8-5 Bandits way.

Wanderers 9 drew with Demons 9

You would have been happy if you put a bet on the unlikely odds of this game resulting in Demons’ third draw for the season.

Kezia Feast’s crew took full advantage of a few clangers in the Wanderers field, scoring five in the opening half of the first innings.

Cody Manning went with a Leanne Little outside pitch for a single to Skylea McClean at right scoring one, and Steph Chant hit a routine sacrifice fly to Fiona Finch at left for another run.

Little struggled to find the strike zone and replaced herself with Sonia Morris after hitting Warriors Kelly Doyle (although to her defence, Doyle is the world record holder of being the batter most hit) who was filling in for Demons.

Finchy drilled a Manning strike up the middle before pressuring the Demons defence with her speedy base running.

Manning bounced back with three strike outs before the inning was done.

Morris had Demons bamboozled with her curving outside pitches.

Kez was channelling her sister’s elite athleticism by legging out an infield single.

Finchy and Lily made the other outs, Finchy looking to be as ball magnetising as the previous game’s left field in Brooks.

Wanderers took their defensive efforts into the batter’s box, ringing up six runs after Jess Ghezzi singled to right and Finchy singled to left, scoring Emily Little.

Morris laid down the team play sacrifice bunt and Manning was getting Meg Merrett working behind the plate with a few errant zingers.

L Little singled to left, Charli Kaigg walked and E Little singled to Abbey Meinck at centre.

That left it to Wanderers fave Ghezzi who drilled one straight back to Manning, but the Demons star was too good and took the line drive catch cool as a cucumber with the score 7-6 Wanderers’ way.

Demons’ Sarah Dohnt led off the final dig with a walk, Chelsea Feast unsurprisingly singled to centre and that scored a run, Doyle walked and Meinck scored a run by putting the ball into play.

Clifford-Finch took a screamer foul fly off Merrett’s bat, showing her grit after a couple of uncharacteristic misses earlier in the game.

Manning launched one high into the sun before Kez drilled a great piece of the ball down Kaigg’s throat at centre but with her side up 9-7.

Finchy led off and scooted around to second on a wild throw, Morris walked and Abbie Lovekin – who had also been diving all over the place attempting to limit extra bases to Demons – hit one to short, scoring a run and forcing an error.

She was caught stealing by Merrett, gunning the throw over to Kez in the 1-3 situation.

With two outs and a run to level it, you would not want anyone else up to bat other than L Little.

She showed her experience and talent, singling to right to equalise before the last out was made.

A great game played in reasonably warm conditions.

Well done to all.

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