Black Spot call goes out

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Black Spot call goes out

Member for Barker Tony Pasin is putting out the last call for residents to report mobile black spots ahead of MP submissions to inform the next round of Federal Government funding design to address mobile black spots.

“I’m extremely concerned that after two years of Labor in Government, Labor has left mobile reception in Barker worse off,” Mr Pasin said.

“In many areas of Barker mobile phone service has been 3G only. Being unable to make an emergency call is a dangerous plight for anyone, but particularly for people living in regional communities where often distance between neighbours is often vast.”

Mr Pasin said while the telecommunications companies gave their commitment that 3G-only areas will have no loss of coverage as a result of the switchover, “the proof has certainly been in the pudding.”

“Since first calling for residents to report black spots through my website, I have had hundreds of people contacting me about new blackspots appearing since the 3G shut down,” he said.

“Locations reported to me through my website before December 9 will be included in my submission to the Federal Government identifying potential projects or locations which would benefit from new and improved coverage.

“That’s why I’m encouraging residents to report mobile blackspots through my website if you have not already, so that I can fight for upgraded coverage.

“Modern expectations regarding mobile telecommunications are simply not being met by the telcos or this Labor Government. A mobile phone is no longer a luxury, it’s a vital business tool and for regional residents a key piece of safety equipment.”

Visit to report black spots to Mr Pasin no later than COB on December 9.

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