Brad Hann – Young Citizen of the Year

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Brad Hann – Young Citizen of the Year

Brad Hann is a local podcaster passionate about promoting physical activity as a way to enhance mental health and overall wellbeing among young people. Recognised by his peers as a role model, Brad actively engages with local sports clubs, including soccer, basketball and hockey, inspiring people within the community.

Brad and his friend Thomas established a podcast ‘Yarns of Rubbish’ in July 2022 with a focus on local issues and events around Mount Gambier.

The benefits of sport and physical activity to combat mental health issues and promote wellbeing in young people is often a topic of discussion on the podcast.

“I have had mates that have had nothing to do in winter and I try to get them engaged and convince them to come and play social sport,” Brad said.

The 22-year-old recruited players for West Hockey Club, encouraging friends who had never played hockey before to participate in the division 3 team. As a division 1 player himself, Brad coached the under 16 boys in addition to the division 3 squad.

Division 3 lost the first five games of the competition, but with Brad coaching and developing the new players, their game improved and the team made the grand final following a four-game winning streak. They were ultimately defeated 2-0.

Brad received the West Hockey Club Person of the Year award for his contribution, dedication and efforts to grow and develop players along with his support of the club with bar and canteen duties.

The podcast brand has now evolved to include social sporting teams, with more than 30 new players involved in sport within the community, developing camaraderie, a sense of belonging and the courage to have a go at different sports.

“We have got three men’s basketball teams, a women’s basketball team and an indoor soccer team,” Brad said.

“We’re now looking at doing touch football and volleyball as well. If we could get a team in every single social sport, that would be incredible.”

Men’s social basketball team ‘Yarns’ was put together in the summer season of 2023/24, played on Tuesday nights. Brad designed uniforms and sought sponsors for the team, which grew to two by the winter season – Yarns Pink and Yarns Blue.

The two Yarns teams competed for a spot in the final. Yarns Pink made the final and trailed three quarters of the game to then come from behind and win the premiership.

Brad also volunteers at local community radio station 5GTR FM as a program announcer once a week and voices commercials for sponsors to help keep the organisation running.

He encourages other young people to be active and engaged within the community.

“If you want to do things you should just do it, there are people there to support you, it’s really cool that everyone’s so supportive and we’re not cutting people down for trying,” Brad said.

Brad is honoured to receive the City of Mount Gambier Young Citizen of the Year award.

“Winning this award is awesome, it’s unexpected, but it’s really cool and I’m incredibly grateful,” he said.

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