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THE door is open for Casterton and district residents to have their say on Glenelg Shire Council’s 2025/2026 budget, with five consultation sessions scheduled across the shire, starting with Heywood next Tuesday.

An altered consultation schedule was ratified at council’s monthly meeting in Portland, last week; Glenelg Shire Mayor Karen Stephens said the annual budget consultation process was an opportunity for residents “to let us know where our spending priorities should be”.

“As always as councillors – if we do not know about it, we cannot consider it,” Cr Stephens said.

“It’s a great opportunity for you to have your say either by attending one of the community sessions or by writing to us – either way we want to hear your thoughts.”

Originally suggested for today, Tuesday 4 February, in the council meeting agenda, the Casterton session was pushed back to next Wednesday, 14 February and will be held at 6.30pm at the Casterton Town Hall.

Cr Michael Carr told the meeting he was pleased to see the recommended schedule altered from the one which had originally been published, in the agenda.

“It’ll give council time to advertise this session is on through the local print media in both Casterton and Portland,” he said.

Cr Carr also question the method used to determine the proposed times for the meetings, with most held in the evening, but the Nelson and Dartmoor sessions scheduled to take place during regular working house.

Cr Stephens said the times were determined in consultation with the communities involved and the feedback from Nelson and Dartmoor, was a preference for daytime meetings.

Shire Acting Director Corporate Services, Brett Jackson said the sessions would also see a change of format from last year’s Powerpoint presentations by shire staff.

“The feedback last year of just a constant Powerpoint presentation was a little bit … dry,” he said.

“The idea was more a face to face to face question and answer type scenario.”

Council’s community budget information sessions will be held at:

Heywood Tuesday, 4 February, 6pm to 7pm, Heywood Recreation Reserve.

Portland Wednesday, 5 February, 5.30pm to 6.30pm, Portland Library.

Nelson Wednesday, 12 February, noon to 1pm, Nelson CFA Shed.

Dartmoor Wednesday. 12 February, 3pm to 4pm, Dartmoor Store.

Casterton Wednesday, 12 February, 6.30pm to 7.30pm, Casterton Town Hall.

No RSVPs are required and anyone who is unable to attend a session, can visit the website www.yoursay.glenelg.vic.gov.au or call in to any customer service centres with their written submissions.

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