Caravan park management discussion

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Caravan park management discussion

Matters relating to the management of the council-owned caravan park at Beachport are being kept confidential.

The nationwide company which runs the new Wulanda Convention and Recreation Centre in Mount Gambier has also been the managers of the council-owned Southern Ocean Tourist Park since midway through 2023.

Belgravia Leisure was formed in 1974 and operates over 200 caravan parks and recreational facilities throughout Australia and New Zealand

The management of the park was raised by Councillor Dale Price during the Wattle Range Council December monthly meeting.

He asked council chief executive Ben Gower about council’s relationship with Belgravia and he replied that it was being managed.

Mr Gower said there had been some negative feedback but said he wanted to take those discussions “offline” owing to council’s commercial relationship with Belgravia.

The park had been established in the post-war years and had always been managed in the past by family partnerships.

The park has 300 powered and unpowered sites along with 12 cabins.

It is located on Crown Land and been the subject of a Native Title claim.

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