Category: R U OK? Day

Students take dedicated approach to wellbeing

The students at Penola Primary School take a dedicated approach to wellbeing. In week 6 of every term, Penola Primary holds a wellbeing week...

Skylight inspires human resilience

At Skylight, we are inspired by the resilience of the human spirit and the potential in all of us to live well.
We create environments...

Year-round conversations encouraged

Visit for free tips and tools to build the Ask R U OK? Any Day message across your year.
Lifeline provides free and confidential...

Garden grows social connection

Acommunity garden and outdoor space has been created at the Millicent Community Centre to support social connection and new opportunities in the heart...

Professional support available

Encouraging a person to take action, such as seeking support from mental health professionals is one of the steps being promoted through R U...

Safety includes mental health mindfulness

As a company that prioritises safety in every aspect of its work, I&D Contracting recognise that mental health is a critical component of overall...

Mental health driven home

Barry Maney Group Mount Gambier is continually driving the importance of mental health with its parent company CMV.
Together they are providing staff with a...

Three little words can empower those needing to hear them most

Courage Wisdom Change provides trauma-responsive, neurodiversity-affirming support for children, adolescents and adults, individually and as families.
Services are provided through face to face or Tele-health...

Landmark creates mental health talking point

LV Dohnt are big advocators for mental health awareness including taking part in R U OK? Day campaigns.
The most notable is the tree that...

Ask R U OK? Any Day

RU OK? is calling on everyone to ask R U OK? Any Day because life happens every day.
The reminder comes as 72% of Australians...

Power of asking someone R U OK?

Qualified counsellor and life coach Brooke Wilson offers wise advice not only on R U OK? Day, but any day of the year.
When people...

Dedication to well-being helps workers thrive

In the heart of our community stands Merrett Logging, a company that embodies the essence of family values and unwavering commitment.
Founded by Snow and...

Ambassador’s life-saving message

Amessage from local R U OK? Ambassador and Mount Gambier and District Suicide Prevention Network acting chair Tracey Wanganeen
R U OK? Ambassadors are a...

Cuppa and a chat go together on R U OK? Day

Anumber of Millicent cafes will be serving up a gentle reminder that it is okay to ask for help and to ask if someone...