CBD brothel bust

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CBD brothel bust

Awoman caught running a brothel in Mount Gambier’s main street has avoided jail time and conviction because of her connection with Victoria where the practice has been decriminalised.

While operating a brothel is illegal in South Australia, it was decriminalised in Victoria in 2022.

A 52-year-old Taiwanese woman faced the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court in front of Magistrate Koula Kossiavelos last Thursday and was handed a 12 month good behaviour bond for keeping a brothel and unlawful possession, with no convictions recorded.

Prosecutor Stephanie Rickard said the defendant told police she had travelled from Victoria to work in Mount Gambier a month prior to her arrest.

The woman was also ordered to forfeit more than $30,000 in cash police found when undercover officers visited the Commercial Street iCare Day Spa Massage in August last year.

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