Celebrate Australia

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Celebrate Australia

As January 26 approaches, I’m asking residents in Barker to join with me to show pride in our nation by celebrating Australia Day.

Australia’s history is complex.

We should reflect upon that journey, the challenges we have faced, the adversity we have overcome to stand as Australians, together.

I’m proud of our indigenous heritage, I’m proud of our migrant story and I’m proud of the fact that as a nation we have always stood up to protect and defend our Liberal Democratic values.

We are a nation that is the envy of the world.

We should be proud of what we have achieved and our standing on the global stage.

Unfortunately, as Australia Day approaches, the usual loud minority are out in force trying to feed us a diet of national self-loathing.

On 26 January, make a stand against the division that has sept into Australian society in recent years.

I also encourage you to display the Australian National Flag as a powerful symbol of pride for our nation and the core values that define us as Australians – mateship, freedom and a fair go for all.

To this end, ‘Together Under One Flag’ bumper stickers, are available free to all Barker residents.

To get yours, visit www.tonypasin.com/together_under_one_flag and I will send one out to you.

I encourage you to celebrate what it means to be born in Australia, or to have become an Australian citizen after settling here because to be an Australian citizen is to have won the lottery in life.

Happy Australia Day.

Tony Pasin MP

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