Celebrating our nation’s heritage

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Lechelle Earl, owner/editor

Celebrating our nation’s heritage

Australia Day is a celebration of our nation’s rich heritage and the remarkable progress we have achieved as Australians. It’s a time to reflect on our shared identity and values, such as mateship, freedom, and giving everyone a fair go.

Recent polling by the Institute of Public Affairs highlights a growing appreciation of Australia Day’s significance, particularly for those aged 18-24, with 69% of Australians supporting its celebration on January 26.

Additionally, 86% of Australians expressed pride in their national identity, and 68% agreed that our history is something to be proud of.

These results reflect a broader push-back against divisive rhetoric and a growing embrace of what unites us as Australians.

This year, the narrative is shifting.

Many councils have reinstated Australia Day ceremonies, and businesses have reintroduced celebrations, reflecting a groundswell of community pride.

While a noisy minority continues to undermine our traditions, most Australians recognise the importance of commemorating our history while striving to build a better future.

Australia’s story is one of resilience and success.

We are a nation made up of people from every corner of the globe, and it is this diversity, bound by shared values, that makes our country strong.

As we celebrate Australia Day, let’s come together to honour this incredible journey, and I hope to see you at a local event on Sunday.

Happy Australia Day!

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