Changing of the guard for regional Red Cross

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Changing of the guard for regional Red Cross

Decades of service to Red Cross have been given by its retiring Vice-Patron Libby Furner OAM.

The Mount Gambier resident has stepped down from the honorary position and been succeeded by Millicent resident David Walshaw.

He is a former Red Cross regional director and well-known for his wide community interests and past work as a senior public servant in health administration.

Ms Furner will support her successor as he has responsibility for the South East, Riverland and the Fleurieu Peninsula.

Mr Walshaw’s primary responsibility will be the Red Cross branches in those areas.

State Red Cross Board chairman Keith Wilson said Mr Walshaw had already given many years of dedicated service to Red Cross both as a staff member and volunteer.

“As Vice Patron, Mr Walshaw will be vital in advocating for the Red Cross mission, building connections within the community and supporting the success of its programs,” Mr Wilson said.

“I am confident that Mr Walshaw’s dedication and insight will help us to continue to make a meaningful difference across the state.

“The Board looks forward to partnering with Mr Walshaw in the important Vice Patron role and seeing the positive impact of his continued leadership.”

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