Christ Church Anglican Church Carols and Culture Service

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Christ Church Anglican Church Carols and Culture Service

The popular Carols and Culture service was again held at Christ Church Anglican Church Mount Gambier earlier this month.

The service builds on the traditional nine readings and carols to become nine readings and nine carols or Christmas songs representing the many and varied cultures of people who call Mount Gambier home.

Father Neil Fernando had initiated this style of service which was enjoyed this year by nearly 400 people in the church and adjacent hall.

There was a touch of sadness as this was Father Neil’s last service as he and his family left the next day for him to take up the position of Rector of St Luke and two other churches in Queensland after a short holiday in Sri Lanka.

Prior to his departure, Father Neil and his sons became Australian citizens at a ceremony conducted by Mount Gambier Mayor Lynette Martin OAM.

Father Neil’s wife Nalini will become a citizen in Toowoomba.

The final carols and culture service included readings by Mayor Martin, Grant District Mayor Kylie Boston, Member for Barker Tony Pasin, Sathyanga and Sadewu Fernando and representatives from other Christian denominations.

Music and Christmas related songs were played and sung by the St Martins Saxophone Group and Church choir, Phoenix, the Last Choir, and representatives from the Chinese, Sri Lankan, Indian, Solomon Islands and South African communities.

The Nativity Scene was re-enacted by children from Christ Church children’s groups with a very relaxed baby Jesus aged four weeks who was ‘ asleep on the hay’ like the words in the Carol Away in a Manger.

The collection donated by the congregation amounted to $1200 for the Mayor’s Christmas Appeal.

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