City abuzz with business activity

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City abuzz with business activity

The Limestone Coast region has seen a significant decrease in empty shops over the last three years largely due to consistent interest in the area from outside retailers investigating potential lease opportunities.

Many brands are represented by super groups who keep tabs on the popularity of regional locations and regularly check on the local markets and what is available for lease.

Complete Commercial senior property consultant Shae Landon said the agency had less lease listings available this year when compared to the same time last year – showing a sign of business strength.

“Leases for new spaces and extensions for existing spaces are being secured weekly,” she said.

“Our business districts have seen encouraging activation with local business relocations and new business alike creating new and exciting offerings.

“It is encouraging these super retail groups and developers have identified our region as an opportunity for growth and their investigations seem to support the theory that Mount Gambier has the population and tourism numbers to support such shopping precincts.”

To add to the increased shopping profile of Mount Gambier, two homemaker centres have been proposed for land off Jubilee Highway and Penola Road.

Mrs Landon said she could not predict the impact the two potential homemaker centres in Mount Gambier on existing businesses.

“This is hard to predict and until we know who the retailers looking to take up leases within these spaces are, we will not know what effect they will have,” she said.

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