City youngster joins Racing SA

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City youngster joins Racing SA

AMount Gambier youngster has joined Racing SA as a cadet steward, furthering her love for the equine industry.

Eighteen-year-old Ruby Kenny became interested in a career as a steward when her Mount Gambier High School class was taken on a race day tour by Industry Development and Training Officer Clare Lindop.

“The tour really opened my eyes to the careers available in the racing industry as I always thought it was quite limited,” the accomplished equestrian said.

“You had your track riders, your stable hands your trainers but I never really considered being a steward until that day.

“On the tour we visited all aspects of race day – we went behind the gates, spent time with the curator, went with Dennis Golding the vet and watched a few trot ups, and the most exciting part of the day for me was seeing the swabs done in the swab box.

“I also got to sit in on a protest which was pretty cool and watched the footage and watched the decision that was made, and after that I thought wow that’s actually a really cool career.”

After growing up around horses in Mount Gambier, Ruby has been working as a stable hand and strapper for Wayne Walters while she finished her schooling.

Her mum Leah Sutherland was a stable foreman for trainer Michael O’Leary for many years.

Ruby is one of two new permanent Cadet Stewards and joins 20-year-old Adam Deakin, the son of Stipendiary Steward Craig Deakin.

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