Coastal camping permit trial

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Coastal camping permit trial

Those seeking a campsite at Eight Mile Creek will require a permit under a new trial by Grant District Council.

A total of 11 sites have been designated under the council’s proposed Eight Mile Creek Campsites Permit Trial.

The western camping area site 816 will comprise six permit sites, while the adjacent eastern area site 828 will comprise five permit zones.

In his report to council, Environmental Servies director Leith McEvoy said a further one or two ‘ghost’ overflow sites would be made available at site 816 for urgent use, however if deemed necessary by council officers.

No permit fee is required for this trial period when booking one of the 11 sites.

The permit trial is accommodating the Christmas and Easter holiday period, starting from December 1, 2024 through to April 30, 2025.

An online booking system is to be used to obtain a permit.

“The establishment of an online booking system through Bookeasy is nearing completion,” Mr McEvoy said.

Front counter and tourism staff will be available to provide booking assistance for campers.

Additional signage has been prepared, providing links to Bookeasy and adjusting terms and conditions for site use.

Current signs at the two sites will be altered to reflect the proposed changes, and some additional signs are likely to be required.

In addition, Mr Evoy reminds the public council’s free camping policy states no open fires permitted unless otherwise signed at each location.

“Although no open fires were permitted at these two sites over the same period in 2023/24, campers had fires which were the subject of numerous complaints and subsequent ongoing actions by council officers, SAPOL and/or the CFS,” he said.

“Unless otherwise determined by council, it is proposed to permit open fires at these two sites with a designated small comfort fire pit, which comply with CFS requirements.

“Fire pits are being installed to designate strict areas for small comfort fires.”

Meanwhile, the public is also reminded no open fire would be allowed on a Total Fire Ban day.

“As mentioned, the current signs at the two sites are to be altered to reflect these changes,” he said.

“Campers will be strongly encouraged to relocate from these two sites on Total Fire Ban days.

“A Council Community Ranger will work, be on call, and rostered to undertake patrol work on each day over the Christmas and New Year holiday period.

“Council will continue to work with SAPOL and the CFS as required throughout this holiday period.”

Mr McEvoy said adjoining landowners will be notified by council officers of the proposed permit trial and associated changes.

“Once the booking system is ready for operation, all efforts will be made to disseminate the details through to the online social media platforms,” he said.

A review will be undertaken by council at the conclusion of the trial period.

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