The Millicent Volunteer Fire Fighter of The Year Award recipient for 2024 is Andrew Collins.
The announcement was made at the annual Christmas party at the fire shed which was attended by firefighters, their families and Father Christmas.
The award is given based on outstanding commitment and contribution to the Millicent CFS Brigade and the Country Fire Service in general.
Millicent CFS captain Phil Richards said Mr Collins has shown exceptional commitment to the CFS with regular training/incident attendance and a passionate desire to enhance his skillset to improve operational efficiency.
Mr Richards outlined his achievements in various fields.
“He has an unparalleled drive to take on any challenge he needed and to push performance levels,” Mr Richards said.
“His wife Caity and Kat Hodgens are the two newest members of the Millicent CFS Brigade.
“They are keenly looking forward to the development and response challenges their membership entails.”
Mr Richards congratulated the members of the brigade on maintaining their commitment to the service and consequently the community they serve.
He outlined the ongoing challenges of rural areas in recruiting and then maintaining membership in times of high pressure on families and businesses.
“Many community members simply expect that a fire truck will turnup to put their fire out or cut someone out of a road crash incident,” he said.
“It is often not understood how much work has to go on behind the scenes to deliver the service 24/7 in a volunteer capacity.
“Ms Hodgens and Ms Collins have demonstrated their commitment to community by joining the Millicent CFS Brigade.
“We ask people to be cautious this season with drier and more dense fuel loads.”
Collins top firefighter
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Collins top firefighter
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