Conditions test Millicent bowlers

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Conditions test Millicent bowlers

The Millicent Bowling Club’s night owl bowlers had to contend with gusty winds at their weekly outing so the results may be varied.

In Red Division Bits & Pieces (Graham Watson, Graham Doyle, Jim Greenfield) defeated Maccas 28+6.

Other winners were Sparkies 28+2, Mossies 27+9, Jack Attack 27+3 and Untouchables 26+1.

In Blue Division Rams (John Shelton, Paul Joiner, Richard North, Henny Gysbers) defeated Lions 29+19.

Other winners were Rotary 26+5, Somerset Seniors 26+2 and Here 4 Beer 26+1.

In White Division Scrappers (Robin Thomas, Claire Roberts, David Thorneycroft, Phil Keatley) defeated Easy Beats 28+9.

Other winners were Gizzies Crew 27+4, Lions Roar 27+3, with four teams having a draw Wanna B DJ’S 16+0, Black Beetles 16+0, Try Hards 16+0 and Miss Fitts 16+0.

Touches: Gary Wilson (Mossies) 3, Max Blacketer (Max’s Four) 3, Graham Doyle (Bits & Pieces) 3, Peter Gregurke (Rotary) 4, Ian Grosser (Somerset Seniors) 4.

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