Council hacking response

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Council hacking response

Wattle Range Council is looking to adopt a cyber security strategy in the wake of its systems being hacked a few months ago.

The hackers accessed some historic data but its ransom demands were not met.

Council’s deputy chief executive Paul Duka presented a 16-page confidential report about a possible cyber security strategy to a recent meeting of council’s risk and audit committee.

This report has not yet been released to the public.

As part of its response to the hackers, Wattle Range Council successfully sought an injunction in the Supreme Court of New South Wales.

An online business bulletin has commented on the rarity of the Wattle Range Council court action.

“This is the first time we have seen an Australian court issue an injunction to restrain unknown hackers from interacting with stolen data since the injunction granted in favour of HWL Ebsworth in April of last year,” stated the online business bulletin.

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