Council holds saleyard talks

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Council holds saleyard talks

The future of the Millicent Saleyards was recently discussed at a private briefing of councillors and senior staff of Wattle Range Council.

The talks immediately followed the 9pm closure of the October monthly meeting in Millicent.

Council chief executive Ben Gower had then asked members of the public gallery to leave the meeting chamber.

Brief details have subsequently appeared on the council website which gave the reason which Mr Gower used to have a private briefing.

Mr Gower believed that public discussions had the potential to provide a commercial advantage to a third party.

Earlier in the open part of the meeting, Councillor Dennis Muhovics queried why the carryover amount of $200,000 was still in the 2024/25 Budget.

In reply, Engineering services director Peter Halton said the $200,000 was earmarked for safety-related infrastructure.

Mr Halton said council had yet to decide on whether to retain the saleyards or dispense with them.

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