Council query flagged

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Council query flagged

Wattle Range Council chief executive Ben Gower has explained why the Australian flag is flown intermittently outside the Millicent council offices on some significant days and not others.

An explanation was sought by Councillor John Shelton at the January monthly council meeting.

In reply, Mr Gower said he raises and lowers the flag on days like Australia Day and Remembrance Day whenever they fall on a weekend or public holiday and if he is at home in Millicent.

Furthermore, Mr Gower said there would be no flag flying if he was away from Millicent at these times as he did not want to pay overtime to council staff to perform such tasks.

To this, Cr Shelton volunteered to raise and lower the Australian flag on such occasions.

Mr Gower said there was no issue at the Penola and Beachport council offices as they were part of the visitor information centres which were staffed year-round.

Executive assistant Catherine Allan added there was always an Australian flag raising ceremony at the Australia Day community breakfasts hosted each year by Wattle Range Council.

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