Council releases four year plans

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Council releases four year plans

A vision for the future has been set for the Glenelg Shire, following the adoption of several key strategic documents.

Councillors recently endorsed the Financial Plan 2021-2031, 2021 Annual Report, Council Plan 2021-2025 and Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025.

These plans outline council’s financial commitments, key priorities, resources and strategies for enhancing and improving Glenelg communities over the next four to 10 years.

“This important suite of documents will shape the future of council and the community, in terms of our service delivery, advocacy campaigns, and capital projects,” Glenelg Shire Mayor Anita Rank said.

“The council plan will drive the direction of council over the next four years, which in practical terms, guides council’s decision making regarding where to invest time and resources.

“Some of the projects identified in the new council plan include the Alexandra Park upgrade, multi-purpose facility at the Portland Foreshore and Cape Bridgewater upgrades.

“The Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan sets out how council, along with our community partners and agencies, will work towards improving the health and wellbeing of Glenelg communities.

“Lastly, the Financial Plan outlines how the Vision and the delivery of the Council Plan and Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan will be resourced, as well as maintaining long term financial sustainability for generations to come.

“These documents are interconnected and interdependent, and together, will help ensure Council delivers meaningful and positive outcomes for our entire Glenelg Shire community.”

Mayor Rank also thanked all those who contributed their ideas.

“I also thank the many individuals, community groups and key agencies that have provided their valuable feedback in the development of these documents.

“Thanks to your comments, we have achieved a shared and sustainable vision, one that will benefit our broad demographic,” she said.

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