Council sponsorship sought

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Council sponsorship sought

City Council will seek further information from four community groups seeking financial sponsorship.

Council received eight submissions for the first round of 2024/25 Corporate Sponsorship Funding, however four were considered undetermined. Economy, Strategy and Engagement manager Biddie Shearing said two applications require further discussion between the event organiser and council administration.

She said this is to enable the assessment panel to make a considered recommendation. Meanwhile, two other applicants are to be invited to present a three-to-five-year business plan and funding model.

Ms Shearing said the presentation would take place at an elected member briefing to be held before the end of the year, while she table a report at council’s September monthly meeting being held today.

Included in the report will be a recommendation council invite the Generations in Jazz and Fringe Mount Gambier committees to present business plans and funding models.

She has recommended council seeks further information from Mount Gambier Community Management Inc. and Mount Gambier Swimming Club regarding their applications. This information will be presented to the Grants and Sponsorship Assessment Panel for recommendation.

Round one of the 2024/25 City of Mount Gambier Grants and Sponsorship program opened in July and closed in August.

The Grants and Sponsorship assessment panel met on three separate occasions in August to assess the applications.

Corporate Sponsorship Funds provide for large scale signature events or programs over $15,000.

“Corporate Sponsorship Funds for large scale signature events or programs that have the potential to be regionally, nationally or internationally significant which provide substantial visitation, media coverage, profiling opportunities and positive economic impact for Mount Gambier,” Ms Shearing said.

“Applications were assessed using a structured evaluation matrix, which generated a ranking based on how well each application met the predetermined criteria.

“Key factors considered included economic impact of the event, as well as its long-term sustainability to ensure lasting benefits for the community.”

Mount Gambier Community Management Inc New Years Eve sought $17,600 funding, Generations in Jazz Inc Generations in Jazz – $35,000, Fringe Berrin Inc Fringe Mount Gambier – $50,000 and Mount Gambier Swimming Club 2025 South Australian Country Swimming Championships – $15,000.

In total, council received 40 applications for events and projects across nine streams of available funding, with 28 applications determined successful.

“The assessment panel were unanimous with the recommendations,” Ms Shearing said.

Ms Shearing’s report seeks council’s endorsement for the distribution of $239,805 cash plus $40,328 in-kind contributions for round one of the 2024/25 program.

A report of the applications can be viewed in council’s agenda available online Ordinary Council Meeting – 17 September 2024 (

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