Councils in spotlight

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Councils in spotlight

GLENELG and Southern Grampians Shire residents join their West Wimmera neighbours, having the opportunity to rate their local governments’ performances in the 2025 Community Satisfaction Survey, from now until mid-March.

Independent research company, National Field Services, carries out the survey, phoning up to 400 residents and ratepayers aged 18 and over, who are randomly selected to participate.

The survey covers key topics such as council performance, community consultation and engagement and customer service.

National Field Services (NFS) will clearly identify themselves when calling.

Importantly, they will not ask for personal information like names, they will specify how long the survey will take and calls will not come from mobile numbers.

Participation will be anonymous.

Results will be compiled into a report comparing council’s performance against previous years, other councils across the state and similar municipalities.

In the 2024 survey, Glenelg Shire residents delivered council’s lowest performance rating in 10 years.

Survey respondents in 2024 rated the overall performance at 43/100 and its direction overall was given a measly 26/100, down from 47/100 and 36/100, respectively, in 2023.

For more information, visit or contact Victorian State Government Services on 136 186.

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