Country life showcase

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Country life showcase

More than 70 people attended the official dedication and opening of the new mural at the CWA hall in Penola on Sunday.

SA Country Women’s Association Penola Terra Rossa branch President, Helen Zadow, welcomed everyone and made special mention of the Stand Like Stone Foundation and Member for Barker Tony Pasin, who have both generously contributed to the project.

Mrs Zadow also thanked others who made the mural possible including April Hague Art, David and Colin from Sotto II Noce bed and breakfast and local painter Geoff Gray.

Secretary treasurer, member from the beginning, mother, local farmer, teacher and wearer of many other hats Judith Mountford spoke on the dedication of the mural.

“I was very honoured to be asked by the Penola CWA group to be part of today’s celebration, as I believe that my association with this group has been very positive and fulfilling.

“This group has been very proactive within our community, helping women build connections, as well as being a contributor to many projects in our local town”, she said.

Judith also thanked the small sub-committee of Helen Zadow, Donna DeBlaauw, Michelle Barry and herself.

“The group was very lucky to have artist April Hague take on the project and she willingly worked with our group around our ideas and the colour palette,” she said.

The final image shows many aspects of women in our community in farming, viticulture, forestry and how we come together to celebrate through the sharing of food and joy we find in nature”, Judith said.

Former members from the original day time Penola CWA group, Wendy Frankling and Mary Redman cut the ribbon to officially open the mural.

A delicious afternoon tea followed the opening.

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