The Millicent township’s largest employer had a COVID outbreak among its 195 staff just ahead of Christmas.
Boneham Aged Care Services chief executive Michael Filsell announced the finding on December 23.
“We regret to advise that we have had a positive COVID test from our staffing group,” Mr Filsell said.
“Unfortunately, it is from a staff member who has had close contact with many staff and residents in the last two days.
“Out of an abundance of caution and being so close to Christmas, we have decided to reinstate the use of surgical masks for our staff.
“Boneham Aged Care Services staff will also now be reminded to stay home if unwell and to RAT test if they have even the slightest symptoms of illness.”
Mr Filsell later announced on Christmas Eve that there had been no further positive COVID tests.
COVID outbreak in Millicent
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COVID outbreak in Millicent
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