Cyclists crank into new year

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Cyclists crank into new year

After a break during the Christmas and January period, and once the Tour Down Under had wrapped up, it was time for Mount Gambier Cycling Club to break out the road racing season, beginning their Summer Series with a 20 kilometre handicap along the familiar Caves Road route.

Nineteen riders signed on for the race with a few new faces, Junior Academy riders who have been working hard on the velodrome and welcome returnees.

The first group to leave included Amali Judd, Miles Kroon (both riders in their second road race after doing well on the velodrome) and Molly Opperman, paired with experienced riders Matthew Opperman and Mike Bakker to continue to build their road racing skills.

They were given a two minute head start over John Cranwell, Michael Dethmore, Dave Delaland and new racer Callum Morrison.

A four minute wait then ensued for Troy Mustey, Tegan Kuhl, Phil Stasiw, Chris Neave and John De Pree, before they began their chase.

Young riders Ethan McKenny and Xavier Farmilo were joined by Academy Coach Rob Mann for their group, starting a further two minutes behind, with the final pairing of Nick Kidman and Dave Bryant beginning their chase another two minutes later, marking 10 minutes between the earliest and last riders.

With the wind coming from the south, the ride out to the turnaround had a slight headwind, with the groups helping to provide some rest for each rider before they took on duties at the front of their bunch.

Dave Delaland was the first rider to feel the pinch of his handicapping, losing connection with his group before the turnaround mark.

Out in front the riders were going very strongly, holding onto their gap over the group behind, with the gaps closing among the other riders.

At the back, Nick and Dave were riding strongly, getting close to Ethan, Xavier and Rob by the turnaround, and joining together with approximately 7km remaining, continuing to try to catch the groups ahead.

On the final stretch of 4km some of the groups broke up as the riders tried to push harder to catch the groups they could see ahead, but the first group were not to be denied.

In the race to the finish line, Molly Opperman outsprinted Amali Judd, followed by Mike Bakker, Miles Kroon and Matthew Opperman.

Callum Morrison was next to arrive, followed by John Cranwell, then Chris Neave, John de Pree, Tegan Kuhl, Phil Stasiw and Troy Mustey.

Dave Bryant was next over the line, taking fastest time honours, followed by Ethan McKenny, Rob Mann, Nick Kidman, then Michael Dethmore, Xavier Farmilo and Dave Delaland.

This weekend members of MGCC will host the Keirin and Omnium State Track Championships at the Adelaide Superdrome on Saturday and Sunday with the second race of the Summer Series to be held along a 30km course along Attamurra Road on Sunday.

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