Dartmoor-raised doctor’s story now in print

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Dartmoor-raised doctor’s story now in print

MICHAEL Greenham is a well-known figure in Glenelg Shire and the keen historian is excited to bring his latest book to the Casterton Library.

Devotion to Humanity – Dr David Peter Greenham 1889-1945, is Dartmoor-based Michael’s fourth published local history, and this book is a tribute to his great-uncle, a remarkable figure in medical history in the north-east of Victoria, in particular.

He will be at the Casterton Library, a fitting venue given the subject, on Thursday, 27 February to talk about the book.

‘Dr Dave’ as he was popularly known, was born in Dartmoor and grew up there and in Casterton, before being awarded a Victorian Government scholarship to study at Wesley College.

From there he won a further scholarship to study medicine at Melbourne University and, in between his studies, also found time to excel on the sporting field.

He played 51 games for the now-defunct University side in the VFL, represented Victoria in the 1911 interstate carnival, and was a top runner and rower as well.

Dr Dave then moved to Corryong, in the state’s north-east, to begin his medical career, performing the autopsy on Jack Riley, the original Man From Snowy River.

His career then took a twist when he enlisted to serve in World War I – he served in hospitals in Egypt, England and then on the Western Front in France, before returning to Corryong where he was influential not only in medicine but the community at large.

After his death in 1945, a street in the town was named after him; Michael’s book is the story behind this remarkable man.

Michael, a farmer, has a keen interest in south-west Victorian history.

His three previous published works were Let Those Who Come After – The World War One Veterans of Dartmoor and District, Dartmoor State School 1035 – 125 Years 1871-1996, and [co-authored] The Spencer Family from Primrose Hill, Dartmoor, Victoria.

In addition to operating the Dartmoor District Museum, he hosts historical tours of Dartmoor’s World War I Avenue of Honour tree carvings, has spoken at regional Anzac Day ceremonies (including at Corryong last year) and completes local genealogical research on request.

To book for Michael’s author presentation, phone 5522 2265, email library@glenelg.vic.gov.au, or message on Facebook or Instagram.

Attendance is free, but a light lunch will be provided, so bookings are appreciated for catering purposes.

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