District council set to show appreciation for local volunteers

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District council set to show appreciation for local volunteers

Grant District Council is proud to celebrate its volunteers at its annual morning tea during this year’s National Volunteer Week from May 20-26.

The Australia wide celebration provides an opportunity for likeminded people to connect and to highlight the positive impact volunteers have on local communities.

This year, the theme of the week is Something for Everyone showcasing the diverse talents each volunteer brings to their local community.

Mayor Kylie Boston expressed how grateful she was for the work of local volunteers.

“Our volunteers are truly the unsung heroes who selflessly dedicate their time, energy, and skills to worthwhile causes.

Their impact reverberates through our whole community,” Mayor Boston said.

“I have had the privilege of working alongside some of those dedicated individuals in our community.

Working behind the scenes with these people has amplified how lucky we are to have such committed groups of fabulous volunteers who work tirelessly to better our community.”

The council will host its annual Volunteers Morning Tea on May 22.

Volunteers from any club, school or organisation in the council area are invited to come together at the Community Complex in Port MacDonnell from 10.30am for light refreshments and listen to guest speakers.

RSVPs are essential for attendees by May 19 and can be made by:

• Visiting the friendly Community Complex staff at 5-7 Charles Street, Port MacDonnell;

• Calling on (08) 8738 3000; or

• Emailing on pmcc@dcgrant.sa.gov.au.

Free transportation is available for volunteers residing in Tarpeena.

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