Division three holds on to top four

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Division three holds on to top four

IN DIVISION two Casterton had the bye, so received 12 points.

The division two ladder is Coleraine 124 + 103, Hamilton 122 + 100, Memorial 118 + 121, Macarthur 106 + 103, Portland, Penshurst, Casterton 74, Grangeburn Red 70 – 90, Grangeburn Blue 35 – 130.

In division three, the game between Casterton and Heywood was a must-win for both clubs to decide who was in the top four on the ladder.

The winner, with a good win, was Casterton.

Casterton is now in the four and Heywood just out.

Shirley Williams and her team, on 17, were just down to Anneel Chaudry, 22.

Teresa Sealey and her team, 13, defeated Darryl Moor, 10.

With the temp reaching 33 degrees 9we are now allowed to play up to 36 degrees), Casterton 40 defeated Heywood 32.

The division three ladder is Memorial 123 + 96, Hamilton 109 + 101, Macarthur 101 + 81, Casterton 94 – 15, Heywood 91 + 31, Dartmoor 73 – 40, Portland 71 – 2, Grangeburn 2 – 252.

Champion decider

THE Champion of Champions was to be played on Sunday, with our two locals – Bernice Sullivan to play at Grangeburn and Andy Alderton to play at Hamilton – looking to bring the title home.

Results in next week’s Casterton News.

Twilight Bowls

Twilight bowls is still on each Wednesday night at 6pm, starting with a barbecue tea and bowls starting at 7pm.

If you are not in a team and would like a game on the night, ask Helen – most nights she will be able to fit you in for a game.


WOMEN’S 100-up to be played this Thursday, January 23.

9.30am start – names in please.

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