Do not be a boob

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Do not be a boob

 Every human has them, but not nearly enough people regularly check them for signs of the most common cancer in Australian women.

But you can fix that, by booking your seat on the free bus to the Breast Screen Clinic in Portland on Tuesday, 25 February, organised by the team at the Dartmoor Bush Nursing Centre.

Breastscreen Victoria screening is available for free to individuals aged 40 and over – those aged 50-74 will receive letters reminding them of the need to screen, but anyone aged 40 or over is eligible for the program every two years.

The bush nursing centre has organised appointments in Portland and anyone who is due for their breast screen is encouraged to call to secure an appointment and a seat on the bus.

The bus will leave the centre at 9am; screening sessions will start at 10am and be done by 11.45am.

For questions or assistance on eligibility, contact Breastscreen Victoria on 13 20 50.

To book your place on the bus from Dartmoor, phone the Dartmoor Bush Nursing Centre on 03 5528 1381.

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