Do not forget the benefits of laneways

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Do not forget the benefits of laneways

FARM laneways are a great way to improve farm efficiency and reduce labour requirements.

Laneways can also provide a useful refuge area during natural disasters such as flood, fire and drought.

A good laneway system makes moving stock easier, for rotational grazing or routine stock management like drenching or shearing.

Combining a laneway system with a well-designed all-weather road improves accessibility for feeding out and checking stock, or moving plant or equipment, particularly in wet years.

Careful planning and design are needed to get the best out of a laneway system.

The laneway system design should consider your operational requirements and opportunities.

Consider the width and turning circle of your equipment, space for a well-built road, room for a few rows of trees and plenty of room for stock.

Making a laneway at least 20-25m wide works well for most sheep and cattle properties.

Rounding off tight corners in a laneway/road combination allows for travel at a consistent speed around the farm.

Adding regular gateways and a water supply can also allow the laneway to be used as another paddock or holding area, benefiting your property when required in emergencies.

Planning and designing a farm laneway can be done using a large air photo or satellite image of your farm.

Site laneways to access as many paddocks as possible and pick a safe and reliable route across the farm. Where possible, place laneways on ridgelines to improve drainage and make road construction easier.

Laneways can also be used to establish shelterbelts, woodlots or improve biodiversity.

Take care to select species that will benefit the land and allow space to minimise damage to fencing.

Planting trees on the east and south side of your laneway will reduce waterlogging in higher rainfall areas.

For more information, visit the Agriculture Victoria website.

As part of the Victorian Government’s $13.53m drought support package, eligible south-west farmers can apply for on-farm drought infrastructure grants of up to $5000.

Find further information, including how to apply at

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