Drive-in revival gains traction

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Drive-in revival gains traction

It was a case of going back to the future at the Mount Gambier Showgrounds on the weekend, as a new age drive-in was staged.

Lewis Major from Millicent opened the drive-in movie theatre – complete with giant inflatable screen and its own FM radio channel.

Unfortunately, despite the Friday night screening selling out, inclement weather forced the Saturday and Sunday evening sessions to be cancelled, according to Mr Major.

“We had a great night Friday night, it was all sold out and went as well as expected,” he said.

“But then we got rained out Saturday and Sunday nights.”

Mr Major said he had been delighted by the support shown for his venture.

“The concept works, the community is supportive, we just have to figure out how the weather is going to affect stuff,” he said.

week of November for the summer. “It was great fun and it went really well, we had great feedback.”

Mr Major said after running the weekend’s screening as a pilot project, he now intended to implement it on a larger scale.

“We want to set up a whole season, we need to rethink where we put it at the showgrounds or if we need to put it somewhere else in town,” he said.

“We definitely will run it during school holidays – even if it’s just Friday or Saturday nights.

“We’d like to make it a 3 to 4-month thing.

“It’s been wonderful to have the community come around and support the project, including the harness racing club, the showgrounds team, everyone has been supportive.”

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