The State Government decision to continue to allow duck hunting at Lake George for the foreseeable future has been welcomed by Independent MP for MacKillop Nick McBride.
Environment Minister and Deputy Premier Dr Susan Close recently accompanied Mr McBride on a tour of the lake and subsequently announced her decision.
There had been suggestions that Crown land in that area may have been converted to National Parks thus barring activities such as duck hunting.
Mr McBride had publicly argued for the status quo and told The SE Voice that he was pleased with Dr Close’s decision.
“I asked Dr Close about the status of the ‘Your Say’ consultation on the South East Coastal Lakes Project – including Lake Bonney, Lake George and Lake Hawdon,” Mr McBride said.
“I made a submission on this back in July 2023 urging the State Government not to make any changes to the use of these lakes.
“This included plans to restrict some activities such as fishing, boating and hunting.
“In Parliament Dr Close advised that this project has been put on hold due to the existence of a Native Title claim which could take many years to resolve.”