EBA gets around perks ban

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EBA gets around perks ban

ASouth East council has found a way around the ban on perks which was ordered a few years ago by the State Ombudsman.

There was a crackdown across South Australian councils when it was revealed that some were paying high-cost golf club membership fees for some of their staff.

However, the ban extended to the use of ratepayers’ funds to contribute to staff Christmas parties and cakes to mark service anniversaries.

Wattle Range Council chief executive Ben Gower told the October monthly council meeting that such perks could now be reinstated as they would be included in enterprise bargaining agreements with both “inside” and “outside” staff numbering 150.

Mr Gower described the actions of the Ombudsman as “draconian”.

He said the actual service anniversaries would not be celebrated on that particular day but would be combined with others.

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