The Millicent Gallery was packed with140 arts patrons on Friday night when local painter Jane McCumstie and sculptor Mark De Nys presented the first exhibition of 2025.
They exhibited a mix of sculpture and art and the event lived up to its hype to be full of colour and beauty.
Mr De Nys is a long-time resident of Beachport while Ms McCumstie has lived in Millicent for the past three years after spending her formative years in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales.
Former Millicent artist Jane Skeer opened the exhibition and she has recently returned from a residency in Glasgow.
After beginning her studies at the Central School of Art in Adelaide, Ms Skeer now holds a Master’s degree in Fine Art.
“This exhibition provides an abundance of visual pleasure,” Ms Skeer said.
All present were welcomed by Wattle Range Mayor Des Noll and he also extended an Acknowledgement of Country.
Ms McCumstie thanked the large number of well-wishers in attendance including a bus load from Beachport.
“Art needs a viewer,” Ms McCumstie said.
“Mark and I work independently but the sculptures are in harmony with the art work.
“They come together well.”
Mr De Nys thanked gallery manager Janice Nitschke for her backing of the exhibition and the volunteers headed by Peter Dunn and Chris Hollingsworth who put the exhibits on display.
“That can be stressful and also fun,” Mr De Nys said.
“Wattle Range Council is very supportive of the arts and is one of the leading regional councils in this respect.”
Ms Nitschke said a full program was in place for the Millicent Gallery for the remainder of 2025. According to Ms Nitschke, consideration was being given to a suggestion made last year by former local artist Tim Edwards when he staged an exhibition in the Millicent Galley. He is an acclaimed glassware artist at the Jam Factory in Adelaide.
“Tim suggested the Millicent Gallery has a display featuring local artists who have moved away from Millicent,” Ms Nitschke said.
“This is under consideration for 2026.”
Meanwhile, another regional arts event on Friday night was the launch of two exhibitions at the Riddoch Arts and Cultural Centre.
They were Guy Detot’s Mémoire d’un danseur and the Country ArtsSA touring exhibition HARBINGERS – Care or Catastrophe.