Farming family looks back on station’s 50 year history

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Farming family looks back on station’s 50 year history

Amajor farming property midway between Millicent and Kingston has recently marked 50 years under the ownership of family company A.J. and P.A. McBride Ltd.

In 1974, the company purchased Konetta Station at Greenways.

At the time, Konetta Station was a land package of 2559ha costing the company $878,897.

A statement from the company has explained the development of Konetta Station over the past half-century.

“In the 50 years following the initial purchase, nine more pieces of land were acquired to make it the property it is today,” stated the McBrides.

“With an average of 50,000 sheep and 900 cattle, Konetta Station has become one of the top performing properties in the portfolio.

“A.J. and P.A. McBrides Ltd acknowledge all the people who have contributed to the Konetta Station story across the 50 years, particularly the managers who guided it to success and persevered through the challenging times.”

The Konetta Station managers have been Rolf Fox (1974-1975), Bob Napier (1975-1984), Bill Napier (1984-1985), Keith Parsons (1985-1988) and Kingsley Breeding (1989-2022).

After 33 years, Kingsley Breeding retired as manager, and his assistant manager, Romain Devaud was promoted.

There are seven other Konetta Station employees.

Member for MacKillop Nick McBride was elevated by the board to become the chairman of the company three years ago.

Mr McBride had served as a director since 2006.

The enterprise has numerous properties in this region including the Conmurra and Ashmore stations which also straddle the Princes Highway between Millicent and Kingston.

The company is in its sixth generation of family ownership and was founded 105 years ago.

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