Fish funds reeled in

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Fish funds reeled in

Opening recreational fishing opportunities for women and children is behind a new $200,000 State Government grant to peak recreational fishing body RecFish SA.

The funding, part of the 2024 State Budget, will assist RecFish SA to further develop and implement strategies to diversify participation in the sector with a particular focus being the expansion of the Reel Women and Reeling-In Junior Anglers programs.

Currently an estimated 356,000 – approximately one in four South Australians- fish recreationally in South Australia with the sector providing annual economic contribution to the state of approximately $1b each year.

The most popular species fished by recreational anglers include King George Whiting, Blue Crab, Pipi, Australian Herring (Tommy Ruff) and Calamari.

While approximately one third (127,000) of all South Australian recreational fishers are women, the pioneering Reel Women program is a women to women initiative aimed at bridging the gender gap in the sector through the development of an inclusive platform where women from all backgrounds can come together to learn, share and celebrate their passion for fishing.

The program will be delivered through a mixture of digital activity, workshops, events, and an annual awards initiative recognising women as leaders in recreational fishing.

RecFish is looking to build on the currently estimated 65,000 young recreational fishers (aged five to 14) through the statewide Reeling-In Junior Anglers program, a holistic and grassroots approach in educating youth and diverse audiences about the multifaceted world of fishing.

Primarily being offered through schools and community organisations, the program looks at teaching essential angling skills in fun and culturally appropriate ways, providing participants with the knowledge and confidence to navigate various fishing environments whether it be saltwater, freshwater, urban or regional.

Visit for further information on the Reel Women and Reeling In Junior Anglers programs.

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