Fisherman lands state industry award

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Fisherman lands state industry award

Third generation professional lobster fisher Joel Redman has been awarded the 2024 Industry Ambassador of the Year at the SA Seafood Industry Awards.

The annual awards ceremony was held in Adelaide on Friday night.

Mr Redman lives at Millicent and fishes out of Southend.

He has played an active part in fisheries management for the past three decades on such peak representative bodies as the South East Professional Fishermen’s Association.

Among the issues faced by the sector in this time have been quota management, marine parks, COVID and the current Chinese ban on Australian lobster imports.

In the broader community, Mr Redman has been president of the Millicent Football Netball Club for several years.

Essendon AFL 115-game defender Mason is his elder son.

The awards ceremony at the Stamford Grand Hotel was attended by his wife Deb who wrote these words of tribute on social media.

“Joel’s tireless work for the industry he loves was recognised after being nominated by the representative board he is on,” Ms Redman said.

“His dedication and commitment began 30 years ago and has never wavered.

“Off to the national awards we go.”

Her social media post went viral and hundreds of messages of congratulation were posted, chiefly from the fishing and sporting sectors.

“I’m very humbled by all your well wishes and congratulations,” Mr Redman wrote in reply.

“To be recognised and rewarded by your peers is the ultimate compliment and something I very much appreciate.

“Thank you to SISA for the award.”

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