Flying doctor sign bid

Flying doctor sign bid

An approach for indirect financial support for the Royal Flying Doctor Service has been met with a lukewarm response from an elected member of Wattle Range Council.

Councillor John Drew told the September monthly council meeting that he was uncertain as to whether or not to back a donation.

Correspondence had been tabled from the RFDS Kingston Support Group which is planning to erect a promotional billboard on the outskirts of that town.

The billboard would provide the number of landings made by the Flying Doctors in the South East each month and it would be regularly updated.

As it was costing up to $10,000, Wattle Range Council and other organisations have been asked for a donation.

In response, Cr Drew acknowledged the RFDS has an official status as a charity.

However, he said the RFDS was also a contractor which received vast sums from the State Government.

Cr Drew said he had formerly been on the Country Health SA finance and audit committee and was aware of the amount of this financial support.

“The RFDS is a contractor filling a task,” Cr Drew said.

No council monies are going towards the billboard as the council decided only to receive and note the letter from the Kingston RFDS Support Group.

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