Foundation’s future built on solid past

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Foundation’s future built on solid past

More than 170 supporters from across the region came together at The Barn to celebrate the Stand Like Stone Foundation’s 20 years of giving back to the Limestone Coast.

Over those 20 years, more than $2.3m has been awarded across the Limestone Coast in community grants, scholarships and program support.

Foundation Chair Georgie McKay said the event was a successful celebration of the foundation.

“The luncheon event was the perfect opportunity for those in attendance to hear the stories of the foundation, from those who have guided the organisation throughout the last 20 years, as well hear from recipients of the foundation’s community grants and educational scholarships,” she said.

“We were pleased to have so many of our supporters, sponsors, donors, past and present directors and chairs join us to both acknowledge and of course celebrate the work of many, many people over those 20 years.”

The keynote speaker for the afternoon was Community Foundations Australia chief executive and Olympian Ian Bird, who provided those in attendance with a better understanding of the importance of community foundations, and the critical role foundations will play across Australia over the next 20 years.

Mrs McKay said the afternoon also saw Jamie and Peta Tidy of Naracoorte Seeds present a large cheque of $15,000 to Stand Like Stone patron Doug Balnaves.

“The donation was for the establishment of a new sub fund with the foundation, to support charitable projects that benefit rural communities and outcomes within the Limestone Coast region,” she said.

“We are very grateful for the generosity of local business Naracoorte Seeds. They are well known as a generous corporate citizen who support many projects throughout the region and beyond. The sub fund with Stand Like Stone will enable them to direct their charitable giving to projects within the Limestone Coast that are meaningful for them.”

Mrs McKay said the afternoon’s celebrations culminated in the auction of a significant local wine collection, made available by Robyn Downs and family, on behalf of the late Warwick Downs who passed away in December 2021.

Just prior to the commencement of the auction, Mrs Downs spoke to those attending the luncheon, touching on Warwick’s life and his love of a good red wine, finishing with a toast to Warwick’s amazing life.

The auction was supported by the combined Rotary Clubs of Mount Gambier and raised over $16,000, with all proceeds going to the LM Woodruff Memorial educational scholarship sub fund, in support of students undertaking nursing studies.

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